

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Who Cares?

Like any business focused on continuous improvement we spend a lot of time trying to figure out the “one good reason” anyone should take that great leap of faith and give us a chance to show them what we can do.

“One good reason” is all about differentiation: what causes a shop like ours to stand out among the hundreds of choices in automotive service available in our community within a fifteen mile radius. There are only so many differentiators and success is dependent upon finding the right one: the one that works for both the consumer and for a shop like ours.

You can try to be the low cost leader, but it’s kind of crowded at the bottom with more than a few service providers making that claim. Something must be sacrificed in order to compete on the basis of price alone and too often that something wil either be the quality of the part or the service or the overall service experience itself.  

You can compete on quality, but in this economy it would be foolish to ignore price and the impact it has on value.

Service is important, but it would be naïve to suggest that great – even, World Class – service is meaningful unless associated with both quality and value…
So, what does that leave you with?

It leaves you with one of my father’s favorite aphorisms… “You gotta wanna fix the car!” And, wanting to fix the car is all about people!

Quality, service and value can't care…
Only people can care: Care about the vehicle… Care about the client… Care about the Industry… Care about service, quality and value.  

I care because my father cared. Working alongside someone who cared so deeply for thirty-eight years made it hard not to. And, because we cared so much – the people we surrounded ourselves with cared. 

In fact, caring has become an integral part of our culture and I believe it's our ‘differentiator.’

Caring colors every decision we make and determines every action we take. In fact, I believe it would be hard to find another shop that cares more. But, that level of care demands we walk a tightrope every day, trying to find the right balance of quality, value and service and when it comes to that, I’m convinced no one tries harder, does it better or succeeds more often.

Lots of things have changed since I entered this industry forty-seven years ago, but some haven't.  I know the decision to bring a vehicle to a shop like ours is still based on at least one of four elements that translate directly into caring. And, at least insofar as our shop is concerned, the only thing that has changed in the thirty-three years we have been serving this community is the level of that caring – it is deeper, more profound and more tangible than ever and if you haven't been in for a while I’d like to invite you to experience that level of care once again.

The quality is still here made even more tangible by our 2 year/24,000 mile warranty accepted all across the United States and our affiliation with a network of like-minded professionals all across America and Canada. Our commitment to service is just as strong with a shuttle available, special deals on rental cars and VIP pick up and delivery. And, we enhance the value of everything we offer with special pricing, a 3% loyalty rewards program, discounts and allowances like our 10% off* on your next visit, our Mystery Gift program and more.

The bottom line is simple… If you want to know who cares, I can honestly answer: We care! We care more and more deeply than anyone else we know and if finding someone like that is important to you, you can stop looking. You've already found what you're looking for…

If you're not from around here don't despair! I can almost promise there's someone just like us down the block or around the corner, someone who cares just as much and is more than willing to try just as hard...

If you can't find 'em, let me know and I'll help you!

*up to $250... not to be used with any other coupons, discounts and/or allowances.

1 comment:

  1. I must say Mitch, I now know what that yearning inside is. Having retired the company several years ago and becoming involved in the educational field with a Community College sorta takes away something. Don't get me wrong training techs is my new passion as I/we bring forward that very passion of caring about what and how we do things. I just miss the many "caring" moments. I met a group of younger techs several weeks ago and witnessed an actual non-caring attitude , it bothered me greatly to a point I that I talked with the instructor and devised a plan . He allowed the student to bring in HIS car and they performed the SAME service that he did to customers cars and ...he complained REALLY! so the lesson was learned by all with the hope they that they remember the "LOOK" on his face. Anyway ,if there is one thing about our industry that is not in any other industry that we do care about people, doing the job right, fixing what is not fixable and taking responsibility for our and others to shape all of our futures.

    Thank You

    With Great Respect

    CRPearson Jr. AAM, CMAT L-1
