

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dawn of Yet Another New Day?

I'm sitting outside the Starbucks at the Simi Valley Town Center freezing my "gotchkas" off... Well, not exactly.

It's 'brisk,' not exactly freezing...

 I'm working on a Grande Verona getting ready for a BNI: Business Network International, meeting to start. Like most things in my life, I'm early... Really, early!

In all honesty, I spent the first five minutes in the parking lot watching the sun come up thinking about the beginning of yet another new day.
It is inspiring... Not necessarily the beginning of "yet another new day:" more, the sun rising in the East on another beautiful Southern California morning.

That's what's inspiring. That, and the Grande Verona!

I don't know what the people who awaken long after the sun comes up do to get their day started. For me, being a "morning person" has never been much of an option. Going to work when it's dark and coming home in the dark are pretty much just a given and to be really honest, I'm not going to tell you I've always stopped to marvel at the magnificence of each new sunrise. I haven't... Not, always, anyway. This is a fairly new phenomenon, but one that I plan to indulge while I still can.

You see I'm starting to believe that each new day brings with it the opportunity for just about anything and everything we would like it to be: anything any one of us could imagine, anything any of is disciplined and determined enough to create.

The sun does it's part... The rest is up to us.

The hard part is resisting the urge to let yesterday interfere with today... Because what we do right now will determine both what the future and the past is going to look like. I don't know about you, but that's what I'm going to be thinking about when I stare into the sky tomorrow morning...Mitch

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