It's just that I've been building a new place, just got it finished and figured now was as good a time as any to move in!

Well, move in enough to unpack, hang a few pictures and just generally see how the new place feels.
The good news is it feels great! More important, it's something that has been on my "To Do" list for some time and finally being able to cross it off the list feels even better...

If you're a "Manufacturing Guy," I'll have things to share with you from time-to-time as well. But, most of all, if you're a card-carrying, dues-paying member of the service segment: the repair community, there will be an unending menu of things for us to explore - the same things I've been speaking and writing about for more than a generation.
It's a new place in a new neighborhood and I'm hoping you like the place as much as I'm starting to.
So, be sure and stop by. You're always welcome... Here's the address... Mitch Schneider's World
I'll keep the door open and the light on.
Till then, stay well, take care, make money, have fun and don't do business with anyone you don't like! There's probably a pretty good reason you don't like 'em and you don't need to find out what that reason is!